Thursday, June 20, 2013

Goodbye Primary School!

The last two months have been crazy at school! Preparations, constructions, rehearsals...a lot of work for us all!!
Concentrated on our 'end of the year celebration' we had little time to post. We did, however, decide to do one last project and that was to discuss and write about our favourite activities this year.

It was a beautiful, beautiful year!
Our highlight was when we had a video conference in May with another school in a small city in Malta called Conspicua. We prepared and made a small presentation:

 and then we watched their video-presentation and expressed our wish to meet sometime in the future.

Another fun activity was the comic book we made when we were learning about Past Tenses.

Step 1: Each one of us filled in the following worksheet to make up a story:

 And then... we mixed up our stories and illustrated this:

But why don't you watch our fun video!!

1 comment:

  1. Konstantina/Funny Girls!!!June 25, 2013 at 1:34 AM

    The presentesion was really good!! It has fun!!!
    The activity, which we do, was amazing!!! It has fun too!!! Then, reading the comic we start laughing!!!!
    Anyway, I wish to everyone to have a good summer!!!
    Konstantina from Funny Girls!!!!
